Tagged: #sagrad

Traveling Solo #ThoughtfulTuesday

I never really traveled on my own. Most often when I traveled via airplane I traveled with my family. That all changed when I began my work as a #sapro. This is all fresh...

Professional Development & You

Professional Development & You

We all know professional development is important. But we also know that professional development is expensive. The question then becomes what should we go to? Where do we have to go? And how often...

Job Search Course Work

Job Search Course Work

As the months to graduation approach, we all begin to think about that first job in the field of our choice. We begin to imagine not going to class anymore but instead going to...

New Student Affairs Collective Book!

I am happy and proud to announce that the latest Student Affairs Collective book went live today! My  name is on the cover as the series editor and I could not be more excited...