Author: Juhi Bhatt

Routines, habits & all of us

I had a lot of different ideas about what to write for this week. Eventually, I’m sure, I’ll write a post about every single thought, but this morning I had another idea pop into...

What is for you will not pass you

I have a bracelet with the phrase, “what is for you will not pass you,” on it. It’s an Alex and Ani bracelet. Remember when they were so popular? Anyways, my sister got it...

We Can Only Do So Much

I’ve worked in education, in some way, for the entirety of my career. Started off as a K-5 music teacher and then landed in higher education. Happenstance opportunity brought me into the world of...

What does it mean to be liked?

This year, as part of some additional opportunities I’ve been able to take on in my current role, I’ve helped organize some workshops for our faculty and staff. The most recent one has been...

Do you have a second?

This past week I went to get my teeth cleaned. Routine appointment. I love my dentist and his entire office. I have the same dental assistant every time and that’s part of the reason...

Dare I ask, how is everybody doing?

In case you haven’t heard yet, Elmo asked a seemingly, simple question the other day and was inundated with responses. Let me explain, in case you missed it, and yes, I follow Elmo on...

Pause to Reflect

My mother is a big believer in positive thinking. The power of positive thinking. What happens when we don’t think positively. How the universe is always listening. We agree to disagree on much of...


I was thinking about scars on my drive to my place earlier this week. Yes, it does seem as though I do some of my best thinking in my car, while the music plays...


So much of our lives are based on choice. The choices we make based on the options we are faced with daily. The choice we make in how we chose to show up in...